Fumbling for the Light is a collection of seven sermons written by husband and wife ministers, Ray and Krystle Speller. In this short devotional study book, Ray and Krystle share the "light switch messages" they've each received during some of their darkest moments:
"On those darkest days, these are the passages of Scripture and the reflections that have kept us sane and that God has passed on to the world through us. We hope that the next time you find yourself fumbling around in the darkness, this book will help you, with God’s guidance, to turn on the light." - Ray and Krystle Speller
I am so proud of my friend and his wife for writing and publishing this book, which is no small feat. I am also honored to have played a part in its production: editing the manuscript, formatting the layout as well as designing the book cover. I truly enjoyed working with Ray to make his vision for Fumbling for the Light come to life and I know that you will enjoy reading the finished product!
Order your copy of Fumbling for the Light at the book's website.
Order your copy of Fumbling for the Light at the book's website.